
Okay, I know that I never post on this site. More like I never post on this site at all. I’ll try to explain why. My word press was created out of this weird necessity for a college course (welcome universe to 21st rhetoric!). I planned on shutting down this blog to open URL space. But after posting small tidbits about random topics with my friends on their blog, I started to read random blogs off my feed. I blame sundayfluke for getting me hooked onto reading blogs, so thank you. Or curse you, I haven’t decided which way to go. But since that point, I have become addicted to reading a lot of blogs online.

But I have noticed that I would wait for weeks and weeks for my favorite bloggers to post. And because I am an impatient, it sucks! Now, I know you all are going to pick on me by saying “well, you don’t post at all!”. So… Here I am? I felt I should contribute to this giant pool of bloggers because I feel it will bring some structure to the confuse mess I call “my life”. But the question is: what the hell to write about? Most of the people I follow have a concrete concept that they stick to for some continuity or flow in their writing. I guess I will figure that out soon enough, but for now… To be continued?


One thought on “Introductions

  1. Sundayfluke says:

    It’s definitely an addiction I agree lol I’m the same, not just with blogs but with YouTube as well, I get impatient waiting for my favourite YouTubers to upload. I agree it’s hard to figure out what direction to take your blog, but I’m sure you’ll figure it out – and once you start writing more consistently, that will become more addictive in itself! I’m looking forward to reading your posts going forward 😊

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